Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ELENA GAETANA FARACI

Expected Learning Outcomes

The objective of the course is the knowledge of the history of international relations in contemporary times and the understanding of the relations between sovereign and/or supranational subjects through the analysis, in particular, of the evolution of Italian foreign policy, the functioning and organisation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the role played by diplomacy from 1860 to the present day.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons, in-depth seminars and laboratory activities with active involvement of students

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of historical, political, institutional events of the modern and contemporary age.

Attendance of Lessons

Recommended, but not mandatory.

Detailed Course Content

Italian diplomacy and foreign policy from Unity to World War I 
Italy and the First World War
Italian foreign policy: from fascism to the crisis of the European States 
Italy and the process of European integration
From Atlanticism to Globalization 

Textbook Information

1) G. Astuto, La decisione di guerra. Dalla Triplice Alleanza al Patto di Londra, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2019. 
2) G. Mammarella, P. Cacace, La politica estera dell'Italia. Dallo Stato unitario ai giorni nostri, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2010.
As an alternative to the two texts, during the lessons will be provided lecture notes by the teacher, also available on Studium

G. AstutoLa decisione di guerra. Dalla Triplice Alleanza al Patto di LondraRubbettino20199788849857726
G. Mammarella, P. CacaceLa politica estera dell'Italia. Dallo Stato unitario ai giorni nostriLaterza20109788842093121

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Italian diplomacy and foreign policy from Unity to World War I G. Astuto, La decisione di guerra. Dalla Triplice Alleanza al Patto di Londra, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2019, dal I al VII capitolo.  
2Italy and the First World WarG. Astuto, La decisione di guerra. Dalla Triplice Alleanza al Patto di Londra, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2019, dall'VIII al XVI capitolo.  
3Italian foreign policy: from fascism to the crisis of the European States G. Mammarella, P. Cacace, La politica estera dell'Italia. Dallo Stato unitario ai giorni nostri, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2010, capp. IV e V.  
4Italy and the process of European integration.From Atlanticism to Globalization G. Mammarella, P. Cacace, La politica estera dell'Italia. Dallo Stato unitario ai giorni nostri, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2010, capp. VI, VII, VIII e IX. 

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The learning assessment method is the oral examination. 
For attending students it is possible to take part in on-going verifications (written and / or oral), aimed at ascertaining the knowledge of a part of the program. 

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

What are international relationships
The birth of diplomacy and international relations
Italian foreign policy in the years of liberal Italy
Italy and the First World War
The foreign policy of fascism
The foreign policy of republican Italy
Atlantism and Europeanism
Italy and European integration
Foreign policy and globalisation