History of Political Institutions and Thought
Module History of Political Institutions

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Lorenzo COCCOLI

Expected Learning Outcomes

General overview of the history of institutions and in-depth study of specific issues through the use of secondary literature and primary sources.

Course Structure

Lectures and seminars on primary sources

Required Prerequisites

A basic knowledge of the main notions of medieval and modern history is required.

Attendance of Lessons

Non-compulsory attendance

Detailed Course Content

Starting from a general overview of institutional history, the course aims to test two theoretical categories developed since the early 1960s by Michel Foucault and Erving Goffman respectively: the concepts of "great confinement" and of "total institution". The validity of these two interpretative tools will be tested on archival and printed sources relating in particular to the case study of the Apostolic Hospice, founded in Rome at the end of the seventeenth century on the initiative of Pope Innocent XII. 

TOPICS: 1. The history of political and social institutions; 2. Michel Foucault and the "great confinement" in Classical Age; 3. Erving Goffman and the functioning of "total institutions"; 4. The birth and evolution of the Apostolic Hospice of Saint Michael in Rome.

Textbook Information

M. Foucault, Storia della follia nell'età classica (qualsiasi edizione): only the second chapter of the first part ("Il grande internamento");

E. Goffman, Sulle caratteristiche delle istituzioni totali, in Id., Asylums. Le istituzioni totali: i meccanismi dell'esclusione e della violenza (qualsiasi edizione): only "Introduzione" and chapter "Il mondo dell'internato";

M. Fatica, La reclusione dei mendicanti a Roma durante il pontificato di Innocenzo XII (1692-1700), in Id., Il problema della mendicità nell'Europa moderna (secoli XVI-XVIII), Liguori, Napoli, 1993, pp. 161-215.

NON-ATTENDING STUDENTS will also add: M. Foucault, Storia della follia nell'età classica (qualsiasi edizione):the first chapter of the first part ("Stultifera navis"); and E. Goffman, Sulle caratteristiche delle istituzioni totali, in Id., Asylums. Le istituzioni totali: i meccanismi dell'esclusione e della violenza (qualsiasi edizione): chapters "Il mondo dello staff" and "Cerimonie istituzionali".

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral examination