Academic Year 2019/2020 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff
  • Free movement of goods, persons, services and capitals: Daniela Fisichella
  • Energy: European Law and international Cooperation: Lucia Marletta Caliri
Credit Value: 12
Scientific field: IUS/13 - International law
Taught classes: 72 hours
Term / Semester: 1° and 2°

Course Structure

  • Free movement of goods, persons, services and capitals

    Lectures are taught by using European legal acts and case law. They are all available at European Union website europa.eu

  • Energy: European Law and international Cooperation

    The evolution of the energy policy of the EC / EU and its connections with the issues on the environment and the Internal Market. The gradual extension of the European law to EU markets for electricity and gas. The armonization of internal law in the markets for electricity, gas, renewable energy. The peculiarity of the nuclear power market and is regulation in the Euratom Treaty. EU energy cooperation with third countries and I.O., The Energy Charter Treaty : trade and transit, Energy efficiency, dispute settlement.

Detailed Course Content

  • Free movement of goods, persons, services and capitals

    The first part of the course is fully focused on European internal market legal regime. The free movement of goods, persons, services and capitals are drawn thoroughly. European legislation and relevant case law are helpful to clarifying legal concepts.

  • Energy: European Law and international Cooperation

    The development of european energy policy

    European Energy law and the internal market

    The Legal Integration of Energy Market

    Legal aspects of Eu Energy Regulation on Electricity an Gas Market

    The renewale Energy in the european Law

    The nuclear energy and Euratom

    The regulation of Power Exchanges in the WTO (Trade and Services)

    The international Cooperation for Energy trough the Energy Charter Treaty

Textbook Information

  • Free movement of goods, persons, services and capitals

    (1) G. STROZZI (a cura di), Diritto dell'Unione europea - Parte speciale, Quinta edizione, Giappichelli, 2017, pp. 1-326.

    (2) A. CONSIGLIO, Micro-task e gig economy: quando il prosumerismo sostituisce la prestazione di lavoro, in MediaLaws, 2019, fasc. 2, pp. 209-221, www.medialaws.eu

    (3) C. SALAZAR, Diritti e algoritmi: la gig economy e il "caso Foodora" tra giudici e legislatore, in Liber Amicorum per Pasquale Costanzo, 26 giugno 2019

    (4) A. PALLADINO, L’equilibrio perduto della blockchain tra platform revolution e GDPR compliance, in MediaLaws, 2019, fasc. 2, pp. 114-158, www.medialaws.eu

  • Energy: European Law and international Cooperation

    Testi: M. MARLETTA, Energia. Integrazione europea e cooperazione internazionale,Torino
    2011, p. 3-298