Academic Year 2015/2016 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Scientific field
  • SPS/04 - Political science
  • M-STO/04 - Contemporary history
Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
Taught classes: 72 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

  • Institutions and Governance of Global Trade

    International Organizations and Global Trade; International organizations and International Relations; The IMF and financial assistance; The WB and fight to poverty; The OMC and intellectual property; Regional Organizations and economic integration; International Organizations and the governance of the international system.

  • Global Trade

    Module 2 tackles the policy-making porocess of the global trade policy: the international trade regime, regional trade agreements, global trade powers, with specific attention devoted to the EU and the emerging powers.

    Samples of specific topics for the written papers and the oral presentations:

    • The trade–development nexus’;
    • The Doha Round;
    • International trade agreements and food insecurity;
    • The WTO and the Intellectual Property.
    • TTIP;
    • The EU as a global trader;
    • The EU as a regulative actor;
    • The negotiating function of the European Commission.

Textbook Information

  • Institutions and Governance of Global Trade

    - Belloni R., Moschella M. and Sicurelli D. (eds.), Le organizzazioni internazionali: struttura, funzioni, impatto, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2013, capitoli: 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13

    - Poletti Arlo, ‘L’Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio: sfide a prospettive tra legalizzazione e regionalismo’, in Zambernardi L. (ed.) Scenari di transizione , Bologna: Il Mulino, 2012

  • Global Trade

    Letture a scelta per la presentazione orale degli studenti frequentanti e per l’elaborato scritto:

    • Ahnlid Anders and Elgström Ole (2014), ‘Challenging the European Union: The Rising Powers and the United States in the Doha Round’, Contemporary Politics
    • Carbone, Maurizio, and Orbie, Jan (2014), Beyond Economic Partnership Agreements: the European Union and the trade–development nexus’, Contemporary Politics, 20 (1), 1-9.
    • De Bièvre, Dirk and Eckhardt Jappe (2011), 'Interest Groups and EU Anti-dumping Policy, Journal of European Public Policy 18, 3, 339 - 360.
    • De Bièvre, Dirk and Hanegraaff Marcel (2011), 'Non-state Actors in Multilateral Trade Governance', in: Reinalda, Bob (ed.), Ashgate Companion to Non-state Actors, Aldershot: Ashgate.
    • De Ville Ferdi (2013), ‘The promise of critical historical institutionalism for EU trade policy analysis’, Journal of Contemporary European Research, 9(4), 618-632.
    • De Ville Ferdi (2012), ‘European Union regulatory politics in the shadow of the WTO: WTO rules as frame of reference and rhetorical device’, Journal of European Public Policy, 19(5), 700-718.
    • De Ville Ferdi and Orbie Jan (2013), ‘The European Commission’s neoliberal trade discourse since the crisis: Legitimizing continuity through subtle discursive change’, British Journal of Politics & International Relations, 16(1), 149-167.
    • Dür, Andreas and Dirk De Bièvre (2007), 'Introduction: The Question of Interest Group Influence' and: ' Inclusion without Influence? NGOs in European Trade Policy', Journal of Public Policy 27 (1): 1-12.
    • Elgström Ole (2009), ‘Trade…and Aid? The Negotiated Construction of EU Policy on Economic Partnership Agreements’, International Politics, 46 (4)
    • Elgström Ole (2007), ‘The EU in International Trade Negotiations’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 45(4).
    • Elgström Ole and Frennhoff Magdalena Larsén (2010), ‘Free to Trade? Commission Autonomy in Economic Partnership Agreement Negotiations’, Journal of European Public Policy, 17(2)
    • Faber, G. and Orbie, J. (2009), ‘Everything but Arms’ in the European Union’s international trade and aid agenda, Journal of Common Market Studies, 47(4), 767-789.
    • Ferdinand, P. and J. U. E. Wang (2013), ‘China and the IMF: from mimicry towards pragmatic international institutional pluralism’, International Affairs, 89(4): 895-910.
    • Orbie Jan and Kerremans Bart (2013), ‘Theorizing European Union Trade Politics: Contending or Complementary Paradigms’, Journal of Contemporary European Research, 9(1), 493-500.
    • Poletti Arlo (2013), ‘Making sense of multiple trade politics: explaining European Union strategies in the Doha round’, in Italian Political Science Review, 43(1), 97-124.
    • Poletti Arlo (2011), ‘WTO judicialization and preference convergence in EU trade policy: making the agent’s life easier’, in Journal of European Public Policy, 18 (3), 361-382.
    • Poletti Arlo (2010), ‘Drowning protection in the multilateral bath: WTO judicialization and European agriculture in the Doha round’, in British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 12 (4), 615-633.
    • Poletti Arlo and Bièvre Dirk (2014a), ‘The EU in trade policy: from regime shaper to status quo power’, in Falkner G. and Muller P. (eds.), EU policies in a global perspective: shaping or taking international regimes?, London/New York: Routledge.
    • Poletti Arlo and De Bièvre Dirk (2014b), ‘The political science of European Union trade policy: a literature review and a research outlook’, in Comparative European Politics, 12(1), pp. 101-119.
    • Poletti Arlo and De Bièvre Dirk ‘On the effects of the design of international institutions: judicialization and cooperation in the WTO’, in Italian Political Science Review (forthcoming).
    • Poletti Arlo and De Bièvre Dirk, ‘Political mobilization, veto players and WTO litigation: explaining European Union responses in trade disputes’, in Journal of European Public Policy (forthcoming).
    • Poletti Arlo and Sicurelli Daniela (2012), ‘The EU as a promoter of environmental norms in the Doha round’, in West European Politics, 35 (4), pp. 911-932.
    • Poletti Arlo, De Bièvre Dirk and Thomann Lars ‘To enforce or not to enforce? WTO judicialization, forum shopping and global regulatory harmonization’, in Regulation & Governance (forthcoming).
    • Smith Michael (2007), ‘The European Union and International Political Economy: Trade, Aid and Monetary Policy’, in Jorgensen Knud Erik, Pollack Mark A. and Rosamond Ben (eds), Handbook of European Union Politics, Los Angeles/London/New Delhi/Singapore/Washington, Sage, 527-544