General education and intercultural perspectives

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ALESSIO ANNINO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to present a series of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge that allows a critical analysis of social problems and to develop specific skills in applying knowledge and understanding of social contexts. The theoretical knowledge of general and intercultural education will serve to develop the skills to be able to read and manage in a pedagogical perspective the different forms of exclusion, discrimination and socio-cultural disadvantage present in the contexts in which the Social Worker operates. Pedagogy will be considered as a discipline among others that provide the range of knowledge necessary for the challenges of complexity, as well as the importance of educational intervention to recognize and address potential risks and opportunities in the face of various forms of otherness. The course will provide intercultural knowledge and skills for the design of social interventions in complex, interdependent and multicultural society.

Course Structure

. Lectures and discussions / debates also with the aid of audiovisuals and / or supplementary documents, proposed by the students to encourage reflection and active participation. Laboratory activities for n. 12 hours on topics chosen with students based on their in-depth interests. Lesson methods always subject to the indications of ministerial and university provisions in relation to containment measures for the Covid-19 epidemic.

Required Prerequisites

No particular prerequisites are required, other than a knowledge of basic socio-cultural issues, attention to "what surrounds us" in everyday life, to news and information sources, to cultivate the habit of "reading" in a critical perspective and to reflection on the educational and cultural reality. Study methodology open to criticism and interdisciplinary study.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not mandaory but recommended given the importance of the issues.

Detailed Course Content

The program of the course intends to involve various areas of general education, starting preliminarily from a definition of the discipline, from its field of action, to arrive at intercultural education, including the definitions of politics as active participation, analyzing the phases crossed by civic education in Italy from Washburne, to Aldo Moro up to the regulations of the 21st century, including the l. 92/2019. The course then aims to focus on the relationship between pedagogy and ecology to try to understand the importance of education in sustainability and attention to environmental policies. A key point will be the analysis of the meanings of the education-education-training constructs, while another important node is constituted by intercultural pedagogy as a fundamental discipline in the contemporary world, linked to the education of otherness and the importance of differences from a perspective of peaceful coexistence. One of the areas of discussion with the students will be to understand the importance of intercultural pedagogy and intercultural education as tools of emancipation in a transitive perspective and of dialogic openness. The course deals with some issues of contemporary multicultural societies, with particular reference to the contexts of education and school. The areas addressed will be: historical and recent migrations; elements of intercultural teaching; participatory citizenship also thanks to the use of museums, libraries, websites and historical sites as possible paths for the interaction between different groups that live together in the same portion of the territory. In-depth elements will be possible interventions by the students themselves with the sharing of topics related to cultural complexity, and by other scholars, or possibly interviews and dialogues with immigrant pupils and parents and not present in educational contexts, in order to develop individual reflection on the issues of interculture. The course will develop according to a programmed path between the themes present in the texts, the in-depth contents and the laboratory activities that will involve students for 12 hours on shared themes and analyzed in detail.

Textbook Information

- Mulè P., I Processi formativi, le nuove frontiere dell’educazione e la democrazia. Questioni pedagogiche, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce 2014

- Annino A., La cittadinanza attiva nella ricerca educativa, Ragazzi In volo, Catania 2012

- Annino A., La cittadinanza planetaria nell’ottica della pedagogia critica, Anicia, Roma 2013

- La scuola di Barbiana, Lettera a una professoressa, Libreria Editrice Fiorentina, Firenze 2010

Alessio AnninoLa cittadinanza planetaria nell’ottica della pedagogia criticaAnicia2013
La scuola di BarbianaLettera a una professoressaLibreria Editrice Fiorentina2010
Alessio AnninoLa cittadinanza attiva nella ricerca educativaRIV2012
Paolina MulèI Processi formativi, le nuove frontiere dell’educazione e la democrazia. Questioni pedagogichePensa Multimedia2014

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Cos'è la pedagogia e qual è il suo campo di azione. Le ragioni della riflessione pedagogicaAnnino A., La cittadinanza attiva nella ricerca educativa, Ragazzi In volo, Catania 2012
2La questione del'educazione alla democrazia. Analisi e significati dei costrutti istruzione, educazione e formazioneAnnino A., La cittadinanza attiva nella ricerca educativa, Ragazzi In volo, Catania 2012
3Le origini della parola democrazia e i suoi sviluppi.La riflessione pedagogica sull'educazione civica e la socialità come esperienza pienamente formativaAnnino A., La cittadinanza attiva nella ricerca educativa, Ragazzi In volo, Catania 2012
4La pedagogia fenomenologicaMulè P., I Processi formativi, le nuove frontiere dell’educazione e la democrazia. Questioni pedagogiche, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce 2014
5La pedagogia come famiglia di processiMulè P., I Processi formativi, le nuove frontiere dell’educazione e la democrazia. Questioni pedagogiche, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce 2014
6La pedagogia interculturale e l'educazione all'alterità. Il dibattito pedagogico contemporaneoAnnino A., La cittadinanza attiva nella ricerca educativa, Ragazzi In volo, Catania 2012
7La pedagogia interculturale e l'educazione interculturale: le epistemologie di riferimento. Il dibattito teorico sull'alterità e sull'identitàAnnino A., La cittadinanza attiva nella ricerca educativa, Ragazzi In volo, Catania 2012
8Il problema della cittadinanza nello scenario della globalizzazione e dopo la decolonizzazioneAnnino A., La cittadinanza planetaria nell'ottica della pedagogia critica, Anicia, Roma 2013
9Alterità. identità e diversità nella prospettiva pedagogica. Gli impliciti culturali e i pregiudizi.Annino A., La cittadinanza planetaria nell'ottica della pedagogia critica, Anicia, Roma 2013
10Don Milani e la sua eredità pedagogicaLa scuola di Barbiana,Lettera ad una professoressa, Libreria Editrice Fiorentina, Firenze 2011

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Written test to be completed in 75 minutes on the topics and themes of the overall course programme, consisting of 3 "open" questions. Students will have to demonstrate that they have acquired the basic pedagogical vocabulary and know how to orient themselves among the main concepts and categories of the discipline, showing personal re-elaboration skills also in terms of connecting knowledge and skills. The relevance of the contents to the questions asked will be assessed, as well as clarity and linguistic correctness in carrying out. Evaluation out of thirty.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Origins of the word "democracy"

- The pedagogical models prevalent in intercultural study

- The question of pedagogical problematicism

- The issue of civic education in Italy

- The meanings of multiculturalism

1) Civic education in Ermini's and Moro's programs: regulatory references and particularities.

2) The meeting space: field of use and how it is structured.

3) Formation as a noetic action.

- Is pedagogy a science or a discipline ?;

- Interculture in the school;

- John Dewey and the class as a laboratory of democracy;

- The term "education";

- The PECUP provided for by law 53/2003;

- Law 92/2019;

- digital education and the risks of media and new media