Academic Year 2019/2020 - 2° Year - Curriculum Terzo settore e impresa sociale
Teaching Staff: Rosario Francesco Antonio Faraci
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: SECS-P/08 - Business economics and management
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Course Structure

  • Flipped Classroom: teaching material on the web
  • Lecture and discussion
  • In class assignments
  • Home assignments
  • Group presentations in class
  • Mid-term exam
  • Final exam

Detailed Course Content

  1. Capabilities, Processes and Competitiveness
  2. Entrepreneurial and Managerial Capabilities
  3. Capabilities of Interpreting the Competitive Context
  4. Corporate Governance Processes
  5. R&D and Innovation Processes
  6. Entrepreneurial and Sustainable Processes
  7. Strategic Processes (Business Strategies)
  8. Strategic Processes (Corporate Strategies)
  9. Organizational Processes
  10. "Business Project" (start up or existing firm) only for attending students

Please, see the following multimedia sites where teaching materials are posted:

Textbook Information