Academic Year 2021/2022 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Paolina Mule'
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: M-PED/03 - Special Pedagogy
Taught classes: 30 hours
Laboratories: 12 hours
Term / Semester:

Course Structure

The lessons will be carried out through a frontal methodology but examples, readings to be analyzed and exercises from which to start to address the issues will be proposed. Lessons will be held in person, unless otherwise provided by the University and the Department for Distance Learning.

There will be an ongoing check on a date agreed with the students who follow the text of the tutoring. The test consists of group work on the topics covered in the text that are presented orally by the groups in different ways: reports, p.p. presentations and conceptual maps.

The final verification is oral.

Detailed Course Content

The birth of special pedagogy

- Report on general pedagogy and special pedagogy

- From exclusion to inclusion

- Montessori's perspective

- The inclusive training design

- Terminological reflection and reference integration / inclusion models

- The life project of the disabled person

- Education to autonomy and social and work inclusion of disabled people with Down syndrome

- The planning of educational paths in a scholastic and extra-scholastic context

- The methodological premises for developing the inclusive perspective and / or integration of people with disabilities, and / or those in a situation of marginality and deviance

- Analysis of interventions for the job inclusion of disabled children

- The social and cultural educator for the inclusion of people in a situation of disadvantage, marginality and deviance: analysis of the required competences

- The knowledge and skills to interact with difficult / disabled / marginal / deviant people with a reflexive and problematic attitude, as it recognizes the risks that are consequent to the different forms of prejudice, conditioning and social and cultural stigmatization;

- The knowledge of the penitentiary educator: systemic-relational, phenomenological, cognitive approach

- The competences of the penitentiary educator

- Communication and the relationship of help in contexts of marginality and deviance

- Analysis of rehabilitative and inclusive projects

- The social and cultural structures present on the territory and is able to activate exchanges and collaborations with them

Textbook Information

L. Cottini, Didattica speciale e inclusione scolastica, Carocci, Roma 2018

Bertolini Caronia, Barone, Ragazzi difficili. Pedagogia interpretativa e linee d'intervento, Franco Angeli, Milano 2015

D. Izzo, A. Mannucci, M. R. Mancaniello, Manuale di pedagogia della marginalità e della devianza, Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2003

P. Mulè, a cura di, Cittadinanza e intercultura nella scuola del XXI secolo. Prospettive pedagogiche, Cuecm, Catania 2011