History of Europe and European integration
Module History of European institutions

Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: ELENA GAETANA FARACI

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to provide students with an overall knowledge of the History of Europe of the twentieth century. In particular, a thematic block will be dedicated to the analysis of the processes of European integration from the Treaties of Rome to Brexit and another to the history of the European institutions.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons, in-depth seminars and laboratory activities with active involvement of students

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of historical, political, institutional events of the contemporary age in Europe.


Attendance of Lessons

Recommended, but not mandatory.

Detailed Course Content

The European institutions: from the system of nation States to the idea of ​​Europe.
European integration and the political-institutional system: from the ECSC to Brexit.

Textbook Information

1) C. Malandrino, S. Quirico, L’idea di Europa. Storie e prospettive, Carocci, Roma 2020.
2) L. Rapone, Storia dell’integrazione europea, Carocci, Roma 2015.

During the lessons will be provided lecture notes by the teacher, also available on Microsoft Teams and Studium.

C. Malandrino, S. QuiricoL’idea di Europa. Storie e prospettiveCarocci 20209788829000852
L. RaponeStoria dell’integrazione europeaCarocci20159788843077809

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1From the system of nation States to the idea of Europe.C. Malandrino, S. Quirico, L’idea di Europa. Storie e prospettive, Carocci, Roma2020, da pp. 13 a pp. 131.
2European integration and the political-institutional system: from the ECSC to Brexit.C. Malandrino, S. Quirico, L’idea di Europa. Storie e prospettive, Carocci, Roma2020, da pp. 135 a pp. 260.L. Rapone, Storia dell’integrazione europea, Carocci, Roma 2015.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The learning assessment method is the oral examination. For attending students it is possible to take part in on-going verifications (written and / or oral), aimed at ascertaining the knowledge of a part of the program.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

From the system of sovereign states to the origins of European integration
The idea of Europe between the two wars
The idea of Europe after World War II
The birth of the European Community
The European institutions
The hairpin bend of the seventies
The single market
The institutional political system of the European Union
Union without Constitution
Europeanism and cosmopolitanism
Economic crisis and crisis in Europe