Academic Year 2021/2022 - 1° YearCredit Value: 9
Scientific field: SPS/02 - History of political thought
Taught classes: 63 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Course Structure
If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote way, the necessary changes may be introduced with respect to what was previously stated, in order to respect the program envisaged and reported in the Syllabus.
Detailed Course Content
The course aims to promote knowledge and deepening of cultural, historical and political scenarios in evolution, moving from the assumption of the forms and lexicons of political reasoning and political processes. The method of study required for the discipline must exclude mnemonic solutions and focus on the ability to grasp through the authors, and the texts proposed to the attention of the students, the historical-social dynamics, the fundamental political links that bind together eras different and which combine to compose a coherent and articulated scenario in relation to the dominant categories in the history of political thought between the modern and contemporary age.
The program includes a first part focused on the authors of modern and contemporary political thought, and a monographic part of reflection on the historical-theoretical path of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Textbook Information
R. Gherardi, La politica e gli Stati, Carocci, 2011
R. Gherardi, La Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani, Viella, 2020
Le parti dei testi da portare agli esami saranno indicate durante le lezioni