IB4EU research
IB4EU Jean Monnet Chair research activity aims to investigate issues related to the management of internationalization with a specific focus on the innovative activities, the role of institutions and geography as well as on European firms and contexts.
Call for papers for a Special Issue of Journal of World Business Human Rights and the Multinational Enterprise |
Call for papers for a Special Section of Industry & Innovation Location, Collocation and Innovation across National Borders: Connecting the International Business, Economic Geography and Innovation Communities |
Call for papers for a Special Section of Industrial and Corporate Change What do we know and what should we know about international knowledge sourcing? |
Santangelo, G.D., Meyer, K. Jindra, B. (2016) MNE subsidiaries’ outsourcing and insourcing of R&D: The role of local institutions, Global Strategy Journal, 6(4): 247-268. |
Laursen K. Santangelo, G.D. (2017) The role of “non-economic” endowments: introduction to the special section on what we know and what we should know about international knowledge sourcing, Industrial and Corporate Change, Special Section, 26(2), 279-284. |
Elia, S., Santangelo, G.D. (2017) The evolution of strategic asset-seeking acquisitions by emerging market multinationals, International Business Review, 6(2): 855-866. | |
Maggioni, D., Santangelo, G.D. (2017) Local environmental non-profit organizations and the green investment strategies of family firm Ecological Economics, 138(August): 126-138. | |
Minbaeva, D., & Santangelo, G. D. (2017) Boundary Spanners and Intra‐MNC Knowledge Sharing: The Roles of Controlled Motivation and Immediate Organizational Context. Global Strategy Journal, forthcoming |
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26/09/2017 - 09:33