IB4EU research


IB4EU Jean Monnet Chair research activity aims to investigate issues related to the management of internationalization with a specific focus on the innovative activities, the role of institutions and geography as well as on European firms and contexts.
Call for papers for a Special Issue of Journal of World Business
Human Rights and the Multinational Enterprise
Call for papers for a Special Section of Industry & Innovation
Location, Collocation and Innovation across National  Borders:
Connecting the International Business, Economic Geography and Innovation Communities
Call for papers for a Special Section of Industrial and Corporate Change
What do we know and what should we know about international knowledge sourcing?


Santangelo, G.D., Meyer, K. Jindra, B. (2016) MNE subsidiaries’ outsourcing and insourcing of R&D: The role of local institutionsGlobal Strategy Journal, 6(4): 247-268.

Laursen K. Santangelo, G.D. (2017) The role of “non-economic” endowments: introduction to the special section on what we know and what we should know about international knowledge sourcingIndustrial and Corporate Change, Special Section, 26(2), 279-284.

Elia, S., Santangelo, G.D. (2017) The evolution of strategic asset-seeking acquisitions by emerging market multinationals, International Business Review, 6(2): 855-866.
Maggioni, D., Santangelo, G.D. (2017) Local environmental non-profit organizations and the green investment strategies of family firm Ecological Economics, 138(August): 126-138.
Minbaeva, D., & Santangelo, G. D. (2017) Boundary Spanners and Intra‐MNC Knowledge Sharing: The Roles of Controlled Motivation and Immediate Organizational ContextGlobal Strategy Journal, forthcoming
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