
The philosophy of human rights: the contemporary debate - prof. Caranti

We inform that two remedial lectures have been scheduled for the 28th and 29th of May, h. 12-14, classroom A6 (via Gravina)

Graduation session

Graduating students are informed that the graduation session will be held on 23.04.2024, and will begin at 15.30 pm, at the "Aula Magna", Palazzo Pedagaggi.
Candidates:  1000037183

Borse di mobilità per studenti iscritti ad un corso di magistrale a doppio titolo italo-francese

Si comunica che è possibile partecipare al bando, di cui al seguente link: ...

Course of Research Design and Methods in Political Science - prof. Carammia

Course of Research Design and Methods in Political ScienceJean Monnet Chair Challenges to Democracy and Representation in the EU – EuDARe

Tutoring service

A tutoring service is available for Glopem students: for assistance and support regarding booking exams, preparing individual study plan and so on....