Anno accademico 2021/2022 - 2° anno
Docente: Davide Luca Arcidiacono
Crediti: 9
SSD: SPS/09 - Sociologia dei processi economici e del lavoro
Organizzazione didattica: 225 ore d'impegno totale, 171 di studio individuale, 54 di lezione frontale

Modalità di svolgimento dell'insegnamento

Lectures and group work in class based on discussions emerging from the international press articles on current issues related to the topics of the course

Frequenza lezioni


Contenuti del corso

The course will examine the main features of the sociological analysis of economic phenomena and of the main differences in the organization of the capitalist system between convergence and diversity through the conceptual and analytical categories of economic sociology and in particular of comparative political economy. Moreover, the course aims at providing students with the theoretical and methodological basis for the analysis of labour policies (models, features, objectives, effects).

The perspective of Economic Sociology

The main differences in the organization of the capitalist system

Notions, indicators, data sources, etc. of labour market and policies

Occupational models and welfare regimes in transition

The European Employment Strategy and “flexicurity

Testi di riferimento

  • Trigilia, Economic Sociology, Routledge, 2002.


  • Crouch, Capitalist diversity and change, Oxford UP, 2005.


  • Hancke, Debating Varieties of Capitalism, Oxford UP, 2009.


  • Berton, Richiardi, Sacchi, The Political Economy of WorkSecurity and Flexibility, Chicago U.P., 2012.


  • Clasen, Clegg, Regulating the Risk of Unemployment, Oxford University Press, 2013.


  • De Beer, Schils, The Labour Market Triangle, Edward Elgar, 2009

Verifica dell'apprendimento

Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento

ORAL exam based on a final essay written on a specific topic assigned, one for each part of the course program.

Esempi di domande e/o esercizi frequenti

The oriental way to Capitalism China & Japan

The Mediterranean Capitalism: Italy & Greece

Flexicurity and European Labour Market Policies during the Great Recession

From Denmark to Europe… and now? Flexicurity and the crisis of a win-win paradigm

The transformation of labour market policies in Europe during the great recession: a comparative overview