Anno accademico 2023/2024 - Docente: LUCA RUGGIERO

Risultati di apprendimento attesi

  • Acquiring knowledge: the students will acquire theoretical-methodological skills in the field of urban geography to interpret and deconstruct global forces occurring in urban contexts;
  • Making judgments: the students will be able to critically evaluate the complex tangle of global/local forces occurring in cities;
  • Developing Communication skills: the students will be able to transfer to others, with a full command of technical language, information and assessments about the relationship between cities and globalization;
  • Learning skills: at the end of the course students will have gained the necessary knowledge to deepen and integrate theoretical concepts with practical skills for a critical analysis of globalization dynamics that influence and/or emerge from urban contexts.

Modalità di svolgimento dell'insegnamento

Students are taught through lectures, seminars, class discussions, case study analysis (also based on multimedia material), fieldworks. Students are exposed to various modes of inter-personal communications and collaborative teamwork. All students are expected to engage in class discussion.

Prerequisiti richiesti

No particular preliminary knowledge is required

Frequenza lezioni

In class

Contenuti del corso

The course will explore globalization as a material phenomenon and as a political project using cities as unit of analysis. It will consider the new global interconnections, globalization and the creation of new tensions and divisions as well as new forms of integration. Giving particular emphasis to the analysis of the relationship between cities and globalization the course tackles questions regarding cities considered both as actors of globalization and places where globalization takes place.

Testi di riferimento

Text: Rossi U., Vanolo A., Urban Political Geographies. A Global Perspective. London: Sage.

A selection of scientific and newspaper articles will be provided during the course

Rossi U. and Vanolo A. Urban Political Geographies. A Global PerspectiveSage 20119780857028846

Programmazione del corso

 ArgomentiRiferimenti testi
1Introduction: Key Issues and Themes. What is a City? Globalization and the Urban Experience
2Urban Development and the Politics of Representation. From Fordism to post-Fordism reinventing cities in a context of economic transition
3Making Culture Work: The Rise of The Creative City
4The rise of neoliberalism
5The practice of urban neoliberalism
6Gentrification, global processes and local impacts
7Politics as contestation

Verifica dell'apprendimento

Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento

Oral exam

Esempi di domande e/o esercizi frequenti

Urban neoliberalism

Gentrification processes

Role of curlture in the development strategies of cities

Gentrification as global urban strategy

Global cities and urban hierarchies