Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: FRANCESCO MAZZEO RINALDIExpected Learning Outcomes
The course introduces students to the fundamentals of evaluative logic, particularly the methodological aspects that characterize different evaluation approaches and the impact evaluation logic. The module also critically addresses the relationships that link monitoring processes to evaluative functions, looking, in particular, at the links between monitoring and evaluation indicators. Students will have the opportunity to identify the main methodological aspects to consider in designing effective evaluation-oriented monitoring systems.
Course Structure
The course is structured in frontal and/or remote lessons and exercises
Required Prerequisites
Basic knowledge: methodology of social research
Attendance of Lessons
Strongly recommended for the empirical applications, the case studies proposed and to access to the mid-term verification
Detailed Course Content
The main objective of the module is to provide the student with the fundamentals of evaluation logic, with particular reference to: the basic elements that characterize the evaluation process, the main evaluation theories; and the impact evaluation approaches, addressing the main methodological issues. Moreover, the module faces in key critical relationships the link between monitoring and evaluation, observing, in particular, the links between monitoring and evaluation indicators. Students will have the opportunity to identify key methodological issues to be considered in implementing monitoring systems effectively oriented to evaluation.
Textbook Information
Bezzi, C., Cannavò L., Palumbo M. (2010) Costruire indicatori nella Ricerca Sociale e nella Valutazione, Milano, FrancoAngeli: pp. 19-56.
Stame N., (2016) Valutazione pluralista. Milano, Franco Angeli, pp 23-111.
Stern E. (2016) La valutazione di impatto. Una guida per committenti e manager preparata per Bond. Milano, Franco Angeli, pp 13-65.
Mazzeo Rinaldi F., (2012) Il monitoraggio per la valutazione, Milano, FrancoAngeli: pp 17-43 pp 67-115.
Stame N. - a cura - (2007) Classici della valutazione. Milano, Franco Angeli, pp. 337-416.
Learning Assessment
Learning Assessment Procedures
The exams consist of a written test divided into two open-ended questions on the contents of the program
Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises
Program content questions; The differences between evaluation approaches; Causal inference; Impact evaluation; the relationship between Monitoring and Evaluation