Anno accademico 2018/2019 - 1° anno
Docente: Stefania Paola Ludovica Panebianco
Crediti: 6
SSD: SPS/04 - Scienza politica
Organizzazione didattica: 150 ore d'impegno totale, 114 di studio individuale, 36 di lezione frontale

Obiettivi formativi

Students will learn how to apply the analytical tools of Political Science to Euro-Mediterranean Relations.

Modalità di svolgimento dell'insegnamento

LF/ S / P/ W

Prerequisiti richiesti

Elementary concepts of Political Science are required to understand Euro-Mediterranean Relations: cooperation, peace/war, regional crises, democracy, political change/authoritarianism.

Frequenza lezioni


Contenuti del corso

In order to understand Euro-Mediterranean relations, this course investigates relations between regional and global actors (in particular EU, USA and Southern Mediterranean Countries), state and non-state actors (e.g. political parties and civil society organizations). It explores the most relevant on-going processes in the Mediterranean area (EMP/UfM, ENP, NATO Mediterranean Dialogue, etc.) and crucial issues such as regional territorial disputes, the lack of democracy, security, terrorism, migration, energy security, maritime security, etc.

Testi di riferimento

R. Gillespie and F. Volpi (eds), Routledge Handbook of Mediterranean Politics, Routledge, 2017, chapters: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 17, 18, 32

A selected reference list is provided to students to prepare PPT or PREZI's presentations.

Programmazione del corso

 ArgomentiRiferimenti testi
1Conceptualizing Mediterranean Politicschapt. 1 
2The Arab Uprisingschapt. 3, 18 
3Regionalism in the Mediterraneanchapt. 4 
4EuroMediterranean RelationsChapt. 7 
5Security in the MediterraneanChapt. 5, 17 
6Migration in the MediterraneanChapt. 32 

Verifica dell'apprendimento

Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento

Class debate, presentation and final essays.

The final evaluation will take into account participation in the class debate (20%); the ppt presentation (40%) and the final written paper (40%).


Esempi di domande e/o esercizi frequenti

The final evaluation relies upon written mini-essays addressing the following sample issues:

  1. Define the Mediterranean as a region by making use of the appropriate literature.
  2. In the 1990s Euro-Mediterranean relations have been characterized by region-building processes. In the 2000s the recrudescence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has jeopardized regionalism. Since the Arab Spring bilateralism has been prevailing. In your opinion which are the most useful theoretical approaches to understand the current times?
  3. Apply the literature on regionalization to the Mediterranean and explain the ‘volatile regionalism’ model.
  4. Explain the ‘winds of democratic change’ in the Mediterranean.The Arab uprisings produced uneven outcomes, please provide an explanation of these uneven outcomes by referring to the existing literature on democratization and making use of appropriate case-studies.
  5. The EU as a democracy-promoter: pitfalls and strengths of this normative approach.
  6. What kind of theories can explain resilience and transition in the MENA? What are their strengths and weaknesses?
  7. How to overcome the border control-humanitarian approach divide when addressing the Mediterranean migration crisis.
  8. Addressing Migration in the Mediterranean: burden-sharing versus burden-shifting
  9. Managing migration in the Mediterranean despite North-South/East-West cleavages

    How to write a written mini-essay (maximum 1000 words plus reference):

Provide a sound answer, related to the topic.

Elaborate an original contribution.

Provide a robust argument (not just an opinion piece).

Add pertinent examples and illustrations.

Use appropriately the compulsory readings (the further readings can be used as well).

Add accurate bibliographical references (no less than 3/4 readings).

The final evaluation will take into account participation in the class debate (20%); the ppt presentation (40%) and the final written paper (40%).