Academic Year 2016/2017 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff
Scientific field: L-LIN/12 - Language and translation - English
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
- REPORT WRITING: Douglas Ponton
Scientific field: L-LIN/12 - Language and translation - English
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
- THE LANGUAGE OF POLITICS, DIPLOMACY AND ECONOMICS- A basic knowledge of the elements of traditional political rhetorical theory
- A basic knowledge of some of the tools of modern critical discourse analysis
- To improve students’ awareness of how linguistic features such as metaphor can affect audiences, and how skillful speakers construct their messages - REPORT WRITING- To improve students’ knowledge of some of the key social issues of the 20th and 21st centuries, such as the Second World War, the ecological crisis, the civil rights movement, etc.
- To explore the speeches of successful politicians, in the light of critical study
- To apply the tools of the previous model to the analysis of political rhetoric
- To see how knowledge of the social context can assist interpretation of discourse
Detailed Course Content
- THE LANGUAGE OF POLITICS, DIPLOMACY AND ECONOMICSAristotelian notions of rhetoric, in particular Ethos, Pathos and Logos; how these basic components of successful political discourse are still relevant today. Some basic notions of Critical Discourse Analysis - presupposition, framing, pronoun reference. Manipulation of audiences by successful political speakers.
- REPORT WRITINGSome speeches by prominent 20th/21st century politicians: Tony Benn, Martin Luther King, Barack Obama, William Hague and Winston Churchill. Studies of the social context of the various speeches and application of the critical methodology to their elucidation.