Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Francesca LONGO

Expected Learning Outcomes

This course seeks to balance the theoretical and the immediately practical of the European Union Public Policy. It is focused on the analysis of the processes whereby public policies arise and are enacted in the European Union. It compares theories and models of policymaking and decision-making to illustrate the special requirements of the EU environment; examines the roles of various participants in the policy process: legislators, political parties, interest groups, administrators and administrative structures, citizens and the judiciary. 

Course Structure

The front lessons are combined with the method of simulation. The first part will provide the theoretical and institutional knowledge. The second part will apply knowledge with the interactive method of simulation  


Required Prerequisites


Attendance of Lessons

The GLOPEM Degree Course regulation's specific provisions permit to be admitted to the final exam those students who attend the 70% of class session (for this part of the course: 21 hours/30; 7 classes/10).

Detailed Course Content

EU: an introduction to the institutional system (students’ presentation) 

 Eu as a political system

EU Policy Making System

EU Policies: classification and analysis: redistributive policies,  regulatory policies and Europeanization

Agenda Setting in the EU 

Policy- setting and Policy shaping  in the EU

Policy shaping in the EU: the Kingdon’s approach

 Decision making  the EU 

Implementation Stage in the EU  

 workshop on policy shape 


Textbook Information

Versluis E., van Keulen M., Stephenson P. (2011) “Analysing the European Union Policy Process”, Palgrave.  Chapters: 2;3;5;6;7;8

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The GLOPEM Degree Course regulation's specific provisions permit to be admitted to the final exam those students who attend the 70% of class session (for this part of the course: 21 hours/30; 7 classes/10). Being absent more than three times is cause for not be admitted to the final exam.  


Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Definition of Policy Cicle; Agenda in the EU; Classification of Eu Policy